
“Even as that stream which holdeth its own course

The first from Monte Viso tow’rds the East,

Upon the left-hand slope of Apennine,

Which is above called Acquacheta, ere…”

(Inferno – “Hell” – XVI, 94-102)



I would like to begin this Tuscan journey by borrowing some words from a writer who isn’t a whichever writer or a common and quite unknown poet or literary man, but that poet who should be known as the father of the Tuscan and Italian language with no-frills. You would have immediately understood whom I’m talking about if I would have begun with the following words “Midway upon the journey of our life I found myself within a forest dark, for the straightforward pathway had been lost…” And maybe by reading the title and HIS first words, you’re fancying that Dante Alighieri‘s ghost is having fun on the white and snow-covered Appennino or snowboarding on Abetone, with all the necessary ski-equipment…

Actually it could be a nice goodnight fairy tale for children, but not exactly what I was thinking about. I have to tell you that a devoted reader of our monthly Tuscany travel had the idea of this apparently-curious trip. He follows our adventures each month, carried away to Tuscany by his passion for our region despite the distance – even if just virtual :-) – and his work-duties. He wrote me that our last trip carried him back in time, to those places that have left a mark in his life, and suggested to carry on along that mountain chain that divides our Belpaese horizontally and offer moments of incomprehensible and silent astonishment to all those who like being carried away by nature and its exciting, romantic expressions. So let’s begin our travel with our exceptional guide, Dante Alighieri, just like he did with his guide, Virgilio, for travelling across his hell. Our aim is to reach that place referred to as ‘”literary place”, that Dante quotes in his Divine Comedy and we have just mentioned at the beginning of this trip. I’m talking about the Acquacheta waterfall, a place where present and past meet together, just like the water streams that disorderly fall down from the rock steps above them, and then meet together again in a unique water flow, just like a stream of thoughts, memories and feelings.

The Acquacheta waterfall is also referred to as literary parks, that is the definition for all those physical and mental places where you may experience those feelings and emotions that inspired artists during the realizations of their works of art. At visitors’ disposal, guided tours, shows and events for bringing those places, their culture and traditions back to life…and for shaping people’s fantasies as well, who have probably imagined those places lots of times. It’s an interesting and original way for increasing the value of those places and that eco-sustainable and responsible tourism we should approach to.

The Acquacheta waterfall is part of the Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona, Campigna National Park; as the name says, the renowned Monte Falterona is also part of this park. You will probably wonder why I wrote renowned…Well, this mountain is said to be the source of the Arno, the longest and most important Tuscan river, or better: it’s not only supposed to be, but once again Dante Alighieri is the reliable source of this information, written in his Divine Comedy. And right there (at more than 1300 meters above sea level) his words, fixed and carved in stone, still remind us of the importance of this place…

I’m going to end this virtual tour by returning the protection of Dante‘s ghost upon those mountains…Escaping unharmed from the hell doesn’t necessary mean being able to ski! For now, just please remember about the importance of travel insurance when traveling, specially abroad, you can view this page to get all the deatils.


“…And I: Through midst of Tuscany there wanders

A streamlet that is born in Falterona,

And not a hundred miles of course suffice it;..”

(Purgatorio, Canto XIV, lines 16–21)










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