‘Tuscan itineraries’

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Nature, traditions and culture on exhibition on the mountains over Pistoia

La Toscana: Ecotourism, English, Nature & Wellness, Newsletter archive, Pisa, Tuscan itineraries

Summer time, and heat consequently, is fast approaching, many people take the occasion for going to seaside and taking refreshing baths, but others suffer from the heat and just look for cool places.     An alternative itinerary to usual out-of-town excursions at seaside (as for example Versilia, the Etruscan coast or Maremma in the province of Grosseto) [...]

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Tuscany welcomes gay-friendly tourism

La Toscana: English, Florence, Gay Venues, Grosseto, Lucca, Nature & Wellness, Newsletter archive, Siena, Tuscan itineraries, Tuscan Spa, Wine and food tours

  I’m going to leave the appennino tracks to my great regret for introducing to all of you a cultural and tourist project promoted by the Regione Toscana, that fills in an important gap – on regional basis only by now – in the Italian tourism background and fits perfectly with the context of the [...]

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La Toscana: Arezzo, Art, History and Culture, English, Florence, Made in Tuscany, Pistoia, Tuscan characters, Tuscan itineraries

“Even as that stream which holdeth its own course The first from Monte Viso tow’rds the East, Upon the left-hand slope of Apennine, Which is above called Acquacheta, ere…” (Inferno – “Hell” – XVI, 94-102)     I would like to begin this Tuscan journey by borrowing some words from a writer who isn’t a [...]

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The wonder…Apennines

La Toscana: Art, History and Culture, English, Nature & Wellness, Newsletter archive, Pistoia, Tuscan culture and traditions, Tuscan itineraries, Wine and food tours

Here we are again, the old year has just ended to make room for the new one, twelve months full of projects and resolutions… We continue our travel throughout the marvellous Tuscany and I would like to begin this 2011 introducing an aspect which most of you may consider unusual, but at the same time [...]

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Tuscany: is it a forbidden fruit? By Vespa, no!

La Toscana: English, Florence, Getting to and around Tuscany, Made in Tuscany, Pisa, Siena, Tuscan culture and traditions, Tuscan itineraries

What would you think about if I began by saying: “He who Vespas eats the apple, he who doesn’t, doesn’t” Those among you who are already forty will certainly remind of that thing which was internationally acclaimed as the symbol of Italy all around the world; that symbol that has been with thousands of people [...]

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The hippo-routes: the future of transports leds eco sustainable paths

La Toscana: Ecotourism, English, Grosseto, Legends and misteries, Nature & Wellness, Newsletter archive, Pistoia, Siena, Transports in Tuscany, Tuscan culture and traditions, Tuscan itineraries, Villas and gardens

With regards to eco sustainable tourism… Maybe yu have already heard about that if you are keen on equestrian tourism or you simply love nature and horses: in Tuscany, as well as in other locations of the Bel Paese, some horseback riding paths, called ippovie, or hippo-routes if literally translated into English (you can even cycle along or hike over them), have recently been opened.

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A toast…to eternity

La Toscana: English, Florence, Newsletter archive, Siena, Tuscan culture and traditions, Wine and food tours

Last time we talked you about good wine and September grape harvest, which was revealing its secrets to all wine-lovers thanks to the gastronomic event Benvenuta Vendemmia! (Welcome grape harvest!)

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Il Ponte della Maddalena: The Devil’s Bridge

La Toscana: Legends and misteries, Tuscan itineraries

  This bridge is known by three names; the first being Ponte di Matilde di Canossa as it was named after the great Countess Matilde. Secondly it’s known as Ponte della Maddalena. Thirdly, and most importantly, it’s known as il Ponte del Diavolo*. We’re in the hills around Lucca, a setting where many fairytales and [...]


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Sovana: A Plunge into History

La Toscana: Newsletter archive, Tuscan itineraries

Sovana is a handful of isolated houses shaded by the colour of the caves, and that stand out from the background of the endless turquoise green sea, against which you can see the sun setting in the mid-summer months. The stone streets in this charming hilltop village hides the complex underworld that sits under Sovana. [...]

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A Revolution in Oil

La Toscana: English, Made in Tuscany, Tuscan cooking, Wine and food tours

The Antinori family does not need introductions: their name is synonym with an absolutely unique wine. From some time, however, the youngest daughter of Pietro Antinori, Alessia, together with business partner Martini Bernardi, has dedicated herself to olive oil and in a decisively innovative manner. From this the oil “Novizio” (Novice) had been born. The [...]


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The Cherries of Lari

La Toscana: English, Made in Tuscany, Pisa, Tuscan cooking, Wine and food tours

Lari is a small town of 8000 inhabitants situated near Pontedera which is famous for its cherry production. Nevertheless, for Lari and the surrounding area, the cherry is more than just a vocation. In fact, the residents of Lari have never considered the cherries as a way of generating income, neither have they ever considering [...]

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The Sienese Pig

La Toscana: English, Made in Tuscany, Siena, Tuscan cooking, Wine and food tours

And to think, they risked becoming extinct! The pig breed cinta senese had almost disappeared after the second world war, with its breeding yield having also dropped to a dangerously low level, until, during the 1990′s, people realised that this breed of pig produced such beautiful meats, and so the breed was re-born. The name, [...]

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