
Travel Guide to Florence tour Tuscany

Tuscany welcomes gay-friendly tourism

La Toscana: English, Florence, Gay Venues, Grosseto, Lucca, Nature & Wellness, Newsletter archive, Siena, Tuscan itineraries, Tuscan Spa, Wine and food tours

  I’m going to leave the appennino tracks to my great regret for introducing to all of you a cultural and tourist project promoted by the Regione Toscana, that fills in an important gap – on regional basis only by now – in the Italian tourism background and fits perfectly with the context of the [...]

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La Toscana: Arezzo, Art, History and Culture, English, Florence, Made in Tuscany, Pistoia, Tuscan characters, Tuscan itineraries

“Even as that stream which holdeth its own course The first from Monte Viso tow’rds the East, Upon the left-hand slope of Apennine, Which is above called Acquacheta, ere…” (Inferno – “Hell” – XVI, 94-102)     I would like to begin this Tuscan journey by borrowing some words from a writer who isn’t a [...]

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Shopping in Florence

La Toscana: Shopping in Florence

Shopping in Florence is truly unique as quite often you will find that walking along the city’s many ancient and medieval streets is an experience in itself. There are not many cities that can provide such high quality goods, with the city offering a range of goods with shops to suit each and every budget: [...]

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Tuscany: is it a forbidden fruit? By Vespa, no!

La Toscana: English, Florence, Getting to and around Tuscany, Made in Tuscany, Pisa, Siena, Tuscan culture and traditions, Tuscan itineraries

What would you think about if I began by saying: “He who Vespas eats the apple, he who doesn’t, doesn’t” Those among you who are already forty will certainly remind of that thing which was internationally acclaimed as the symbol of Italy all around the world; that symbol that has been with thousands of people [...]

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A toast…to eternity

La Toscana: English, Florence, Newsletter archive, Siena, Tuscan culture and traditions, Wine and food tours

Last time we talked you about good wine and September grape harvest, which was revealing its secrets to all wine-lovers thanks to the gastronomic event Benvenuta Vendemmia! (Welcome grape harvest!)

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Farm holidays in Tuscany: a link relating past, present and future

La Toscana: Arezzo, English, Florence, Grosseto, Livorno, Lucca, Massa Carrara, Newsletter archive, Pistoia, Siena, Tuscan culture and traditions

It is strange to think that people come from anywhere to find out the places where you are born and grown up, where your family has lived for generations, the places you sleepily pass through every morning to go work…

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Mona Lisa

La Toscana: Arts, Florence, Tuscan characters

Her smile is the most famous and profound smile in the world. So mysterious that she has been the cause of literally rivers of spilled ink, in a quest to prove the more risky theories which have tried to identify this famous model. Obviously, we are talking about the acclaimed portrait of the Monna Lisa, [...]


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The Synagogue of Florence

La Toscana: Arts, Churches and monasteries, Florence

Florence has a Jewish community whose origins date back to the Roman era when there were several Jews living in houses near the Ponte Vecchio. We know that in 1396, there was a bank opened in the centre which made loans; an activity which has only been officially authorized by the government since about 1430. [...]

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Aqua Forte: Copperplate Printing in Florence

La Toscana: Florence

July hits Italian cities with burning darts, but don’t worry, there’s always an alternative, something different, something refreshing to do! Cultural Events Florence If you choose to defy the heat and wander the streets between Piazza Signoria and Piazza S. Croce, in the heart of the historical city center, you can for example stop in [...]

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Tuscany Artisans – Ceramics

La Toscana: English, Florence, Made in Tuscany

Focusing on Tuscany, and Florence in particular, which has always been a town of excellent workshops, to the point that Riccardo Marasco, a Florentine himself, dedicated a song characterising Florence as an artisan – Firenze bottegaia – the chorus of which goes: Firenze bottegaia di quando ero bambino e già ne andavo fiero di esser [...]

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Lampredotto in Florence

La Toscana: English, Florence, Made in Tuscany, Tuscan cooking, Wine and food tours

Does sightseeing and admiring works of art work up an appetite? Afraid that a day touring Florence will be too much for your empty stomach to take? Don’t worry though, as in Florence all you will be surrounded by local venders selling Lampredotto, which is a traditional dish in the region of Tuscany. In Tuscany, [...]

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The “marroni” of the Mugello

La Toscana: English, Florence, Made in Tuscany, Tuscan cooking, Wine and food tours

September’s grape harvest, and all the festivities which come along with it, was the last happy celebration of what little remains of the summer season. Now, however, Autumn has definately begun and the prospect of cold, grey weather is becoming a reality. Nonetheless, do not dismay as October too has its own surprises in store [...]


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