‘Performing Arts’

Theatres, music and opera in Florence, Tuscany Italy

Theatres in Florence

La Toscana: Performing Arts

The theatre season runs from September/ October into April/May, which is not to say that Florence comes to a standstill then, but many of the main stages stay quiet while more festive cultural events take the centre piece. Most performances are conducted in Italian, so a good understanding of the language is vital (if you [...]


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Music and Opera in Florence

La Toscana: Performing Arts

Florence can claim a couple of musical firsts. Not only was the first piano invented in the city, by Bartolomeo Crostoferi, but also the first ever opera, Daphne, was performed here in 1598, at the home of Jacopo Corsi. Unfortunately the score is no longer available and Florence has done nothing to keep its memory [...]


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Dance companies in Florence

La Toscana: Performing Arts

Compagnia Virgilio Sieni Danza Via San Romano 13 Tel: 055 655 7435 This avant-garde dance company is directed and choreographed by dancer Virgilio Sieni and is one of the few dance companies in Florence to have gained international fame. More often than not, performances feature artistic collaborations with instrumentalists, composers and designers. The company regularly [...]


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Dance performances in Florence

La Toscana: Performing Arts

Over the past few years, the dance scene in Florence has flourished greatly and nowadays full length classical and contemporary productions can be seen all over the city. The Maggio Danza performs primarily at the Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, while modern work is generally produced either by the Virgilio Sieni Dance Company, or the [...]

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Florence Performing Arts

La Toscana: English, Performing Arts

Music: theatre and opera Florence is a city with a rich musical history and in its heyday round about the early 17th century, under the rule of the famous Medici family, it was one of the most diverse music centres in Europe. Florence still has a lively classic music scene and you should not miss [...]

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