‘Cultural Institutes’
Italian Language school, cooking courses and art schools for foreigners in Tuscany
Language schools in Florence
La Toscana: Cultural InstitutesNo matter how good or bad you are at Languages. There are schools in Florence teaching Italian and other languages to students at all levels. In order to get the best result possible, they also ensure that the class sizes are not too big and they offer both group and individual tuition to everyone. Below [...]
Chiavi: Florence
Continua la lettura | Commenti (2)Cooking schools in Florence
La Toscana: Cultural InstitutesThere are many cooking schools in Florence, willing to teach you about the cooking culture not only in the Tuscany Region but in other regions of Italy too. Throughout these courses, you will learn a variety of recipes, not only the recipes for the main course of the meal but many teaching you recipes for [...]
Chiavi: Florence
Continua la lettura | Commenti (1)Art schools in Florence
La Toscana: Cultural InstitutesThere are a variety of different art schools in Florence, offering different areas of art to explore. Depending on your interests, you will be sure to find an art school which can teach you the areas you wish to study, whatever level you are at. Arte School of Design, Art and Photography Via della Conce, [...]
Chiavi: Florence
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