‘Churches and monasteries’
Plan your Tuscan tour and find out all the churches and monasteries of Tuscany
The Synagogue of Florence
La Toscana: Arts, Churches and monasteries, FlorenceFlorence has a Jewish community whose origins date back to the Roman era when there were several Jews living in houses near the Ponte Vecchio. We know that in 1396, there was a bank opened in the centre which made loans; an activity which has only been officially authorized by the government since about 1430. [...]
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Ilaria del Carretto in Lucca
La Toscana: Arts, Churches and monasteries, English, Lucca, Tuscan charactersThe San Martino Church in Lucca is a true Romanesque masterpiece, with its beautifully carved grey and marble front facade, which is actually a great porch and its ample bell tower which leans ever so gently against the church. This stunning facade, made up of a series of columns, is perforated like lace and projects [...]
Continua la lettura | Commenti (1)Dances with wolves
La Toscana: Churches and monasteries, Tuscan charactersThis is the tale of a holy man who led a life locked away in a bitter solitude whilst performing miracles, like the taming of a ferocious wolf which up until then had regularly devoured the poor inhabitants of the local village. However, you would be mistaken if you thought this was the story about [...]
Chiavi: Famous Tuscan Characters, Tuscan churches
Continua la lettura | Commenti (0)La Verna – The Blessed Mountain
La Toscana: Churches and monasteriesMonte non ha più santo il mondo This phrase, which in old Italian means there is no mountain more sacred than this is written on a door that opens onto an old and very steep road that leads from the valley of La Verna up to the monestary in the dense green of the Casentino. [...]
Chiavi: La Verna, Sanctuary, Tuscan churches
Continua la lettura | Commenti (0)Mount Labbro and David Lazzaretti
La Toscana: Churches and monasteries, Tuscan charactersApproaching the territory of Mont Amiata in Maremma, you can’t but help notice the sharp and desolate profile of the dormant volcano Mount Labbro. At the summit (1193 metres above sea level) where the winds buffet the lonely peak, there is a building almost like a Mesopotamian, and there are ziggurat. Ruins of low buildings [...]
Continua la lettura | Commenti (0)Jerusulem – in Tuscany!
La Toscana: Churches and monasteries, FlorenceSituated in the territory of Montaione in the province of Florence, you’ll find the smooth land of Valdarno, where they welcome the fascinating people of Certaldo, San Gimignano and Volterra and people from San Vivaldo, where there is a valuable sacred mountain, but one of the lesser known in the North of Italy. Together they [...]
Chiavi: monastery, San Vivaldo, Tuscan churches
Continua la lettura | Commenti (0)Gropina – A Dreamworld Made of Stone
La Toscana: Churches and monasteriesSomewhere between the beautiful Tuscan cities of Florence and Arezzo, following a difficult ascent up a steep trail which meanders around the Pratomagno bend, is the unique town of Gropina. Although it involves a backbreaking climb up an almost impossibly steep hill, it is journey which is definately worth it as after passing the picturesque [...]
Chiavi: Arno Valley, Loro Ciuffenna
Continua la lettura | Commenti (7)Verdiana – Forgotten Saint of Castelfiorentino
La Toscana: Churches and monasteries, FlorenceIn a sanctuary in Castelfiorentino which resembles an elegant jewelbox, rest the mortal remains of Verdiana, the humble daughter of this marvellous land (even if her hagiography sites noble origins). The building is very old though today, appears to be the result of some successful restoration from the 700′s, with a beautiful porticoed entrance and [...]
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Santa Maria from Montserrat: a Spanish Lady on Elba
La Toscana: Churches and monasteriesMonserrat is the most important sacred place of Catalogna and one of the main sanctuaries inside the Iberian Peninsula. At least since the IX century, Monserrat has guarded the small image of Virgin Mary with her baby (famously known as “La Moreneta”, “La Scura”), which, according to the tradition, was actually realised by the apostle [...]
Chiavi: Abbey, Elba island, Tuscan churches
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La Toscana: Churches and monasteries, FlorenceThose who, after having completed the long ascent from Greve and from the Medieval village of Montefioralle, stop for a moment to catch their breath and admire the breathtaking view of the Valdesa, will see, in the distance of this spectacular view of endless green hills covered in lush vegetation, a rather extraordinary sight. The [...]
Chiavi: Abbey, Tuscan churches
Continua la lettura | Commenti (0)Mariano di Montenero Monastery
La Toscana: Churches and monasteriesDeeply rooted in Livorno’s traditions, is their dedication to the Virgin Mary or la Madonna. For example, after they were married, Livornese brides would offer their flowers to a shrine dedicated to Madonna, in the hope she would protect them from the European plague. Her love to the city was proved when in 1742, a [...]
Chiavi: monastery
Continua la lettura | Commenti (0)Virgin Mary Sculpted by Lightening
La Toscana: Arts, Churches and monasteries, Legends and misteriesAccording to an old legend, there once lived a shepherd who used to graze his sheep on the woodland hills of the Amiata. To pass the many hours he spent alone up in the hills, he spent much of his time carving a large branch that he had found nearby. His inspiration perhaps coming from [...]
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